After hours urgent cares are organizations which follow the same rules of 'Premier Health care’, and with the same Family Medicine physicians, but who work full-time, after the 'Primary Health Care Units' are closed & at weekends. After hours urgent cares treat the nonlife-threatening conditions like Flu, respiratory tract infections, or minor traumas etc.
Influenza, in particular, is best treated at after hours urgent care as the onset of Flu is sudden, 8. Symptoms develop rapidly. When catching a Flu, the patient should counsel the doctor immediately because whatever the starting symptoms are a cough, sore throat, fever, or bone pain, it may be a sign of many diseases including Flu, and only the doctor can make the differential diagnosis for a wide range of diseases to exclude serious problems.
In After hours urgent care Flu will be managed carefully, the doctor will measure the temperature, explore the throat with a tongue depressor and torch to exclude tonsillitis, auscultatory the chest for a crepitating or wheeze. Also in After hours urgent cares, the X-ray is available for the doctor if he decided to exclude serious life-threatening chest infections as Pneumonias Doctors here Also communicate with your family physicians through electronic medical records(emr) and this allow both after hour urgent care doctor.
Primary health care doctor to follow up the case, this is essential in Influenza which may take up to two weeks with varying symptoms and signs day after day because the Afterhours urgent care doctor is a family physician, & his care is patient centered, he will take care for prophylaxis & preventing Flu occurrence in other family members, so he, she will give you the special instructions for your family situations if you have a newborn or old age family member that you are scared of him, her not to catch Flu .After hours urgent care is the best place to treat Flu, and simple situations also because of its cost, as it is the same cost as 'premier health care’ Also it is connected to most types of insurances which allow mutual pay. Being present outside the working hours so you don't need to go to the emergency room and pay as much as five hundred to twelve hundred dollars for the emergency room to treat flu. After hours urgent care is Affordable and provides a high-quality service, where you will stay connected with the first line of health care providers without shortening or paying much.